Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Crooked Kind of Perfect (audio) by Linda Urban

Zoe wanted a piano.  What she got was an organ, a Perfectone D60.  With a mother who is always working and a father who doesn't like to live the house and a boy who follows her home from school and now an organ rather than a piano, Zoe's life is far from perfect.  But soon she learns that might just be okay.

This was a very cute, quirky book.  It was interesting to see how a child deals with having a parent who is afraid of people.  And how she deals with the disappointment of not getting the piano she dreams of and how she, too, is a little quirky because of her parents.  I liked Zoe and thought she handled everything reasonably well, more maturely than some.  While I am sadly not musically abled I liked the story of how music can change your life and how it is incorporated in the lives of so many.

3 hours 17 minutes
Taj Alexandra Ricci is the narrator of this book and I liked her voice.  She had the right tone and zeal for Zoe and I think she does a terrific job.  She has a clear even tone and her voice acting fits right into the story.  She does a great job of bringing the story and Zoe to life.

Hogwarts: Perfect mini-challenge
Whisper in my Ear


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