Friday, September 17, 2010

BBAW Future Treasures

Today is my chance to share what I've enjoyed about BBAW and also what my blogging goals are for the next year!

I've enjoyed seeing all the different blogs that people have chosen to highlight.  It's very in the spirit of the community, getting the chance to spotlight other blogs instead of just focusing on my own.  And I love seeing everyone's choice of great books and all of the really fun interviews.  BBAW is such a fun week.

As far what my blogging goals are for next year, well, I don't know.  Recently I've decided to worry less about having a post for everyday and instead just read at the pace I feel like reading and reviewing the books as they come.  I need to lessen the pressure of what is suppose to be a fun activity/hobby and just do what I like.  So there might be less posting from time to time here.  Other than that, I'll still be around, making as many comments as I can and enjoying what other bloggers are doing.


  1. I'll definitely still be here even if you're not posting daily! :D

    Seems a lot of people are paring down. Maybe we've all been trying to keep up with a standard no one really needs to keep up with!

  2. I think those are great goals! I don't give it much thought when bloggers don't post every day. You have to do what's right for you so that it stays fresh and fun!


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