Thursday, September 30, 2010

September Wrap-Up

Books reviewed:

Clockwork Angel (Clare)
It's a Book (Smith)
Virals (Reichs)
My Invented Life (Bjorkman)
The Rise of the Fire Tamer (Gow)
Low Red Moon  (Devlin)

Audio books finished:

The Red Pyramid (Riordan)

Challenges completed:

GLBT Challenge 2010

Challenges joined:

R.I.P. V Challenge 

This was a slow month for me.  It took a bit to get back to my reading groove after Mockingjay, but I managed it.  Favorite book this month - Low Red Moon.  How was your month?


  1. It was a really slow month for me too, but I kind of liked it that way to be honest.

  2. Is it really the end of September already? Yikes, I guess it is. I read more than usual, but it was because I was sick for two weeks. All the extra books helped!


  3. It doesn't look like a slow week. :) You have read a lot of books!

  4. @Amanda - I think it would have better if some of the books were better.

    @Sue - sick days will do that, lol

    @Nina - This was the whole month of September...


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