My name is Andrea and I love to read. I was having trouble remembering what I'd read and one day I thought, hey a book blog would be fun. So I made one and here I am. Book blogging is fun and is a good outlet for me. I'm an academic librarian who read mostly young adult books. I've never been a young adult or teen librarian though I've been a reference librarian who did young adult programming. When I was a teen, there wasn't the abundance of reading geared toward that age group so I read a lot of adult books. Now that I'm an adult, I read a lot of teen books. Funny how that happens.
I hope you enjoy my blog. I enjoy having you here.
Unless otherwise stated, all my books come from the public library or I bought them. In addition, I will only give fair and unbiased review of books. So if you send me a book and I don't like it, I will probably say so. However, I am not currently accepting unsolicited books for review. I don't have the time right now to review everything that comes my way and I wouldn't want to do an injustice to anyone's book with my slow reading schedule. Thank you.