Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nocturne by L.D. Harkrader

Flannery Lane was found on a doorstep and raised by the town wizard.  Despite being very powerful magic-wise herself, her adopted uncle stops her from doing magic.  But Flannery cannot accept that especially when her uncle becomes ill and a vampire comes to town.
She sighed and led him to the bookshelves, thinking that the sooner he began his research, the sooner she would be able to stop talking.  And sniffing him.  p.164

Here I was wishing for just a regular old vampire story and I get two in one week.  First Insatiable and now Nocturne.  Nocturne leans more towards high fantasy than vampire though.  Mostly it is about a world where magic is common and everyday and all the magic creatures of legend exist, werewolves, brownies, vampires and the like.  The vampires just are, they are not the point so that was refreshing for a change.  It was also refreshing to have a head strong, capable heroine who doesn't immediately fall in love and get all stupid.  Flannery is very powerful and knows it.  She just been caged in by her uncle's worries and his need to keep her safe.  But when she decides to take ownership of her powers, then the story really kicks in.  Nocturne is a quick, fun read that borrows more from Diana Wynne Jones than Stephanie Meyer and her ilk.

Provided by Traveling ARC Tours
Hogwarts: History of Magic

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